A 70F-sweating,giddyness,shivering,nausea

C/o-sweating,nausea,vomitings,giddyness,shivering,in the mornings and pain in epigastrium
HOPI-patient was apparently asynptomatic 15days ago.then 
∆ she started sweating especially in the mornings also complained about
∆ giddyness since 15 days
∆ shivering since 15 days
∆ nausea since 15 days
Past history-she had sezuires 2yrs ago (1episode)later she developed hypertension.no history of thyroid,epilepsy,CAD,CVD.
Past medical history-she is on medication(telmisartan&metoprolol succinate tablets) for past 2 yrs
Past surgical history-no significant surgical history
Family history-no significant family history
Personal history- appetite was normal,sleep is adequate,bowel and bladder movement are irregular loose stools with minimum quantity,oligouria.
